My Harper's Index for 2017


Number of clients served: 22

Percentage of clients which were new: 41%

Approximate number of maps made: 256

Minimum number of weeks it took me to complete my GeoHipster interview: 10

Percentage of GeoHipster calendar submissions accepted: 50%

Percentage of blogs authored vs the number I hoped to write: 50%

New languages I began learning: 2


Number of short courses taught: 10

Number of professional workshops taught: 9

Percentage of professional workshops taught in Europe: 11%

Percentage of professional workshops taught in my city: 11%

Maximum number of semester long FOSS4G courses taught: 1


Number of US States traveled to: 7

Minimum number of Scandinavian countries visited: 3

Number of flights boarded: 34

Total kilometers flown: 55,783


Number of professional conferences attended: 7

Ratio of conference talks given to conferences attended: 6/7

Ratio of conference workshops taught to conferences attended: 3/7

Average number of hours of a conference workshop: 5.3

Ratio of conference workshop taught to those taken: 3/4


Number of oceans I saw whales in: 2

Number of social networks I have accounts with: 7

Number of social networks I abandoned: 1

Number of new social networks I tried: 2

Number of coffee roasters bought beans from: 24

Proportion of coffee roasters tried that were Scandinavian: 5/24

Number of coffee shops visited: 22


Total workouts done: 175

Distance walked: 723mi / 1,163km

Calories burned: 107,000 kCal

Weight of my best deadlift: 375lb / 170kg


Discover QGIS Is Out in Print!

I'm excited to announce my latest QGIS book! Called Discover QGIS, it is the workbook for the award winning GeoAcademy curriculum. It is essentially 5 college courses full of labs! It comes with all the data, challenge exercises and solution files. Great for learning GIS, QGIS or for use in the classroom.

The GeoAcademy is the first ever GIS curriculum based on a national standard—the U.S. Department of Labor’s Geospatial Competency Model—a hierarchical model of the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to work as a GIS professional in today’s marketplace.

Originally written for QGIS v2.4, the GeoAcademy material in this workbook has been updated for use with QGIS v2.14, Inkscape v0.91, and GRASS GIS v7.0.3. This is the most up-to-date version of the GeoAcademy curriculum. To aid in learning, all exercise data includes solution files.